How much more of this from 4gs can chatterbank take? Hes now posted my name and details is sending me emails , is constantly following me.the mans hes posting gravys name apparently. qwhen will the bullying stop?
Red good idea.
Sadly theyve got enough to deal with in the uk at present.
It is worrying the lengths he will go to.
As ive said if im seeing someone i dont come on as much and spend time with them.If i was married i wouldnt be posting abuse here till after1am and then emailing from 8am next morning and through the day from my work.
dont you ever shut the **** up? Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Didn't see you kicking up that much of a fuss when those screenshots with half a dozen ABers real names, along with photos was posted a few weeks back Legend?
is that what they said to you leg? that they are too busy? Call the PCC and stick in a complaint mate.
Harrassment is harrassment at the end of the day, whether it be a middle aged bloke in Tenerife or a young woman, fear is a terrible thing. Call them
Oh and stay safe wont you, keep away from situations where he can be harrassing you. Thatll be one of the first things the police tell you to do as well