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vicmarion | 14:50 Tue 26th Aug 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
3 Answers
Hello all! been away for a while and trying to catch up on the quizzes I need to send off. Please can anyone tell me where I can find the advertised price of an Aston Martin in 1933, I keep getting all the modern prices. Have done all the quiz this is just a tie break so it doesn't matter if I dont answer it just want to know where it can be found. Many Thanks.


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Is it the Le Mans version?

If you Google 1933 Aston Martins it comes up with a price of �595 I don't know if this is any help.
�595 is also the figure I was given when I emailed Aston Martin.
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Thank you very much for those answers, a great help - The question was - How much was the advertised price of an Aston-Martin four door saloon in 1933.

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