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has | 16:41 Tue 26th Aug 2008 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
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Sgt bilkos changed his pants.

And same as before

rger charlie

evac to the home20

wife located

sign in window



D T H ?�?�
hey has, has has been well?
Same bullying tactics from a certain 'Legend' & others on the site but apart from that nothing changed much
Not the messssssssiah

i aint been on

king arthur

didnt hows guineveere?


she been playin away ??'?
And your wife is where exactly legend?
I dont have a wife john .


Where are your wives?

Think youre henry the 8th like ?�?�?�
No, im not john or henry 8th, although, like mr 4gs i cant stand bullies.
Wasnt 4gs banned for posting pictures of me and my name ?
Wasnt he banend for bullying ?

Was i ?


thanks for letting me correct you .

Youre obviously youre a bit slow matey

i am


ha ha john legend is that what you think. PMSL. think about it
I dont need to .

Im just p�sssin myself he got banned

D T H ?�'
ah so did you mate gravy. Oh well. :-)
hi has, what is new with you?
gravy said hed leave if 4gs was banned

but 4gs returned and so has gravy

gravy is still alive n kickin

4gs aint very good at the bullying is he ?

no one should be forced to leave chatterbank, why cant they just stop being silly?
dunno cazz

why did 4gs need to come on at 1am to post pictures of me and my name ?

why did he need to do it again this morning?

why did he get banned ?

see above questions

D T H ?�'�?


the pair of them need their heads knocking together! alias this and insult that, its not fair to people that come here to post drivel like myself
add to that the abusive emails ive got from 4gs today .

thanks to 4get giving him my email addy earlier in the year .

nice folk eh ?

i dunno about gravy but 4gs has a wife and family , ex forces , but cant stop the bullying .think hes got more he should be bothered about .

but obviously im more important to him .
welll im not for changing cazz .


let the dice falll where they may : 0)

im stilll

and always

the messssssssssssssssssssssssssssssiah

d t h ?�?�?

thats e-mails not anything to do with here, how about you keep it to the e-mails get your boring rubbish off here
Hi has, I have a new mobi, its fantastic, I don't have a clue how to use it though LOL!
Question Author
Hey haysi06, I've got a new one too & yes you've guessed it, I dont have a clue about most of the functions. All I want is for it to make a cuppa, milk no sugar!!

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