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Do you think barrack obama will become president?

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puddicat | 16:55 Thu 28th Aug 2008 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
If he becomes the first black american president, do you think that he will targeted by the white extremists!!!!


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well blacks are targeted anyway by these idiots,so yeah!
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Tell us more ure Highness!!!
Hasnt he already been targeted �?

It would seem you already know the answer to the question youve posted .

H 2 H : )
Hi puddicat,

Yes I do. I was reading an article this morning in the Express from Peter Sheridan in LA.

He has been told by white extremist that they will never accept a black man as President and he will be assassinated if voted in.
Also the Ku Klux Klan have said, the American people are not ready for Obama..

He is already on a 24--hour guard and so his his wife and kids..

I am sure he is aware of this, so I think he is a brave man, or stupid.
I had this argument in the US with someone. They said they will have to triple the security on him if he gets in.
I said to this fella how good it is that we have freedom of speech in the UK as long as it is not incitement to hatred. he said so do we in the US. I asked what was the problem with Obama then. At least no one shoots you for having your say over here.
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henry your right,im in contact with american friends and in many places the black/white/hispanic/asian divide is absolutely ghastly! thank god in london i can walk down a predominately black area with a white woman and a predominantly white area with a black woman and no-one bats an eyelid! f*ck racism! intergration and unity forever!
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Do you think barrack obama will become president?

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