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how much money

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Smack.Head | 17:30 Thu 28th Aug 2008 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
to give a 90 year old man a bj?


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well out of sheer nosiness are you gonna tell us how much you've been offered smack head?
I should think he'd be happy of you paid him about a tenner.
are you asking?
-- answer removed --
Surely his missus would do it for free?
Ask octavius tho cos he knowws about old folk .
He was old when jesus was a boy .

Talking ogf which

i am

legend Ive seen pictures of the messiah, hes a skinny dude with long hair and a straggly beard....he looks nowt like you.
I seen pic of you .

You look nothing like a little fairy winged pixi .


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how much money

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