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school chalk

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cazzz1975 | 21:23 Thu 28th Aug 2008 | ChatterBank
57 Answers
did anyone used to get excited when they used coloured chalk on the blackboard at school?

oh just me then :O


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i was the handsome class clown& a hit with the girls and female teachers!! nudge nudge wink,wink
Thank you thank you!!!

*max is overwhelmed by all the love" lol
Ooooooh Abstract, you were my type of kid!
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max you are cool!!, not a dork at all! in fact a lot of the nasty types at school almost never amount to much in adulthood
LOL Sachs, awwww.

In 1st year I was in the school play Oliver!. I actually had some lines as one of the orphan boys, which I was chuffed about. One afternoon we were going through the last rehersals a few days before opening night. It wasn't a dress rehersal, so anyone who wasn't to be on stage for a bit, could sit and watch it where the aurdience would be, rather than sit backstage.

Well, I got so engrossed in it, I didn't hear any of my peers get up and make their way back stage ready to get on stage for their bit. I snapped out of my engrossment right at the point I was sitting looking at when should have been me up there saying my few lines *bush*
This was of course meant in a totally non-creepy way....
lol Lak! I bet it cut short your dreams of an Hollywood acting career! :O) Awwwwwww!
coloured chalk...OMG...yes that was great when the teacher used it and I (like some others) remember being just soooo thrilled if the teacher asked us to clean the blackboard rubbers...
I LOVED shool...something my husband cant quite understand....(he loathed every minute of it)
LOL, Yep, that was the year nobody was putting baby in the corner and the only reason I volunteered to participate in the play - I was, of course, going to make it to hollywood and star next to Patrick.

Never mind, the teachers clubbed together and got 2 huge pizza's the night we finished our last show, so it wasn't all bad :o)
Well, talk about crushed dreams.....When I was about 4 or 5, there was this "village fest" thing, an dthey had a singing competition for kids. So I duly learned a cute song by heart (much to the annoyance of my older brother lol), put on my best dress, and went on stage the next day.
There, I got stage fright and couldn't remember a word! So I started crying (as you do), and jumped into my mum's arms. They DID give me a prize though! :O)

Let me get this straight, for weeks you bugged your bro with your singing, you eventually get on stage only to start crying and they give you first prize anyway??


And who says a girl can't get what she wants just by crying! ;o)

When I was 4 or 5, I won a dancing competion (the prize was a box of chocs, not a major competition), guess what my dance routine was to.....
ROFL! Gimme a clue! ;O)

PS: if only I had made it that day, I could now be the French Britney Spears, I'll have you know. ;O)
Yeah, I know you would have Max. You are oozing more sex appeal than Britters, you'd have been a star :o)

OK, a's a song that has a proper 'dance' to it, that eve a 4/5 YO could do....2 men sang it. Ultimate cheesy party song....
Not Agadoo surely?
Caz, can you give 3 stars to Bens mum, please?

If you are a teacher you can write in the board everyday and use whatever color chalk/marker you want. That's why I do it! LOL

I have had a whiteboard the past few years and love using the flourescent and bright markers. The kids do too.

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