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bobtheturkey | 14:28 Fri 29th Aug 2008 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
going for lunch


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Is that because Meals-on-Wheels are coming round?
neither am i,im probably going to go for a lee-a mixture of lunch and tea,kind of like brunch but later on,and missing that il just have to settle for suckfast(no nothing to do with s�x) just a mixture of supper and breakfast!
Is that wise? You'll waste away.
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no im younger than you abdul :)
Indeed, I am an old man.

Anyway Bobby.

Is the Kuyt lad really suited to being a midfielder?
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big dirk needs sent back to tulip land 1.jpg

Did you know Kuyt is a musician as well?
-- answer removed --

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i am not

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