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Ethel | 21:22 Sat 30th Aug 2008 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
After a previous link about the mini skirt in the 60s, it set me thinking just how very expensive clothes were then, and doing the laundry was a much harder job with no easy care material, tumble driers and steam irons (crimplene and bri-nylon just on the horizon).

We really had to save up for the 'must have' - no credit cards,overdrafts or catalogues either - often paying the shop a little bit each week until it was ours and we could take it home.

Everybody darned, sewed on buttons, replaced zips; most people at least knew somebody who could take up, take in, rehem if they couldn't do it themselves and many people were very creative making their own 'copycat' clothes.

Does anybody knit, crochet, make clothes, do repairs or even sew on a missing button now clothes are so very cheap?
I must admit I couldn't be bothered to darn a sock any more.


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Hi Ethel,

I used to crochet, but since rediscovering AB, all my 'spare' time seems to be taken up on here!

What do you like to do in your spare time?
I do sew on buttons, replace zips, mend clothes etc. (don't darn socks either though!). I also used to make my childrens clothes occasionally and knit a lot but then I'm from that 60s era and we were taught how to do these things. Having said that I was still making skirts for myself in the 80s. Trouble is everything is so cheap and disposable now
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To be truthful I was never very 'crafty' - I seemed to be all fingers and thumbs, but we had to do it out of necessity.

I don't even have a button box. My mother would be sorely disappointed in that.

I read a lot, love music and pressing buttons just to see what happens.
Yes Ethel you are spot on .I tell my daughter about these things and her answer is (OH HERE WE GO AGAIN AND I SUPPOSE THEY WERE THE GOOD OLD DAYS) I am ashamed to say she does not even own a needle and thread.and my son throws away his socks .Mine I admit I don't use sewing needles much apart from buttons.And they were the GOOD OLD DAYS
I still have my button box Ethel - I doubt that younger people have such things now though.
I also press buttons but with less success than you I fear!
I have a box of sewing stuff, I tend to mainly sew buttons on these days, probably due to how cheap clothing has become, its easier to buy another pack of socks that darn them
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I think it's true to say that the majority of people took more pride in their appearance during the 50s and 60s - and I think the 'throwaway' cheap clothing that is easy care ( trakkie bottoms and vest tops) has a lot to do with it.

We even soled our own shoes - most homes had a cobblers' last.

I take the easy option too - clothes straight in washing machine, into drier, on hanger. Certainly no dolly blue, starch or even iron if I can help it. Elastic waistbands are just fine these days.
I was in London in the swinging 60s. Had drip-dry minis-Quant, lots of nylon psychadellic from Tami-girl & C& enuf for me to buy a new outfit every month from wages.

Credit a/cs in Debenhams/B&H/Selfridges plus a flat (shared) behind Oxford Street. Went skiing every winter. I only knitted sweaters for bf and sewed curtains for flat.
Thanks for reminding me, the wife needs a new posser for her washtub. I remember as a kid hearing my parents saying the Grimshaws next door had got a 21 inch telly. Everyone consoled themselves with the fact that they would have to sit at the back of the room to watch it .
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How very 60s feminist - knitting sweaters for the boyfriend.

Happy days indeed
When I lived in my last house about twenty odd years ago I made all my soft furnishings,curtains,cushion covers etc and all my evening outfits but strangely enough not my kids clothes apart from the odd knitted jumper. I crocheted a lot as well and yes i do have a button box and I save zips from old trousers etc though unfortunately like Ethel I prefer elasticated waistbands now. But we live in a throwaway society now that it just wouldn't be economical to make my own now more's the pity. I mean have you seen how cheaply you can kit out kids for school now? It was very expensive when mine were school age.
I still darn opaque tights if the toes go through :-)
There weren't so many imports from third-world countries. The mills were still churning up north, giving quality rather than quantity.
It was very satisfying making something for yourself that was unique. As others have said, it was cheaper too. I suppose for me i had a lot more energy then than now.
I have now become very depressed at past youth lol.
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Oh dear,Rosetta

It's never too late to pierce your navel and wear a cropped top.
Lol Ethel, as long as it is only piercing my navel, some of the other places don't bare thinking about.
Perhaps I should also try hipster jeans. Is the world ready for this?
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