Are you sure about this
kempie? I�m now certainly not and the info you have kindly provided raises some issues.
I simply assumed that the provisions of the Act were in force. I must say I have imagined some difficulties with enforcement as it makes an offence of �keeping� a vehicle uninsured. Not least of these is the �any vehicle� policy situation which you mention. I know they are increasingly rare these days, but I�m sure they still exist. I also imagine that large companies do not provide details of all their vehicles to their insurers, but instead have a blanket �any vehicle� type of policy. This would mean that some individual vehicles are not identified on the insurers� database used by the police.
More to the point the police are routinely seizing vehicles which do not appear as insured on the database without checking whether the driver may have borrowed the car and has cover under any other policy (rather like the poser of this question). This suggests they believe there is an offence of �keeping� the vehicle uninsured regardless of whether anybody is insured to drive it.
This article: 2008/january/article_uk_motor_insurance_enforc ement_tightens_18428114.html
seems to suggest that the regulations are already in force.
I�ll do some further digging. But if you are right I am clearly wrong and apologise to all. It may mean that all
miah1234 has to worry about is proving that he does not own the vehicle.
Perhaps he might tell us what his solicitor advises.