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squeak squeak POP !!

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joggerjayne | 19:04 Mon 01st Sep 2008 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
Woo Hoooo

Come to Jayneeee ...

glug glug


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Mine goes "Pshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....Glug glug glug".
But I'll join you nevertheless!
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TBH, mine doesn't go 'pop' cos I've got a wine box at the mo ... but I don't know how to write the sound of a wine box.

LOL -i'll join ya but I have my first rehearsal tonight for Babes in the Wood -no im not a principal --could only ever be a chorus girl -but i'd better show up -and not half micked:)
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Dris, didn't know you were a thesp !

Luveeee, mwah mwah =0)

PMSL -variety is the spice of life -so they tell me anyway :0)
Well that should hopefully help you sleep tonight, but if it's a red you're drinikng you'll be cursing in the morning.
Try Whisky, good for your blood knocks 2 large ones will knock you out goodo.
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Funny you should say that 123everton, cos I'm holding a glass of Jim Beam.

I know that this is "whiskey" rather than "whisky" but I'm sure the principle's the same.

Clink, clink, gush gush, fizzzzzzzz
Gin + tonic anyone?
I'm running low. Dreading having to walk to the shop! And I've no credit on my phone to call my neighbour/private slave to go and get a bottle for me! Darn....
Oh dear oh dear the impetuosity of youth.
Grain and grape don't mix, I'm up early again tomorrow odds are there'll be a post off you saying never again.
Go for a nice one like Glenmorangie, or a cheap one like Bells. Bells is'nt bad for a cheap whisky.
I love a good Malt -Glenmorangie does it for me -just on the rocks -mmmmmmmmm lush

I didnt believe the grape and grain didnt mix until I passed out at a recent BBQ -with the tears (WTF?) streaming down my face -suffice the peeps are immune to me lol
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Tonyted was last seen being booted off the site for having had a nice dinner... grrrr.... I have pizza (reheated - so double grrssss... lol)

:) to Tonyted... lol
BTW -obv got the rehearsal date wroig -walked up in the sleet and no-one was there -grr !!!
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With the stress on the 'o' Dris, not on the 'a' yes?

Biggest selling single malt in Scotland, where they ought to know their whiskies. But not in the world, where it is pipped by Glenfiddich.

Sounds nice tonyted. I had a stir fry, cos I'm lazy.

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Oh Dris.

You could have performed a quick Waiting For Godot while you were there.
O they just make the pantos up as they go along in our one horse town -and then give it the grand title of Cinderalla or Babes in the Wood.

Just an excuse for a hee haw -we had a p!shed Maid Marion before the second act -on the last night -and the cast had to go on and pretend that the principal was there -as i was slapping her face into conciousness backstage lol

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