going back to work
i took early maternity
to cut a long story short -out of the blue the branch boss pulled me in for a meeting to ask if i would cover reception for3 months (basically whilst the receptionist moved onto a sales woman, getting higher wage company car.. etc & to see if she liked it (if not shed come back to reception) whilst i got paid less to do her job as receptionist than what she was on)
i said no becausei liked my job ,i was preggers and was suffering terrible morning sickness, so the last thing i wanted to do was face the public). thought it was all over. then got pulled in for another meeting, basically i had no choice. the worst thing was the hr lady and everyone were telling me to do it so i had no one to speak to. i was doing long hours with no breaks. on day the branch boss phoned the reception phone from his moby as i was running to be sick, i took longer than usual to answer the phone and i got a lecture, i was off once with morning sickness until the doctor signed me off. so i struggled into work for 5 months being sick 4/5 (lost over a stone in weight in the first few months of pregnancy)times a day and they knew how bad i was.
within the 3 months they took on someone else to do the job i was originally doing. they got my desk, job, everything.
i was annoyed but kept my mouth shut coz i was pregnant & stressed out enough without having a confrontation with everyone. my 3 months were up and i expected to go back to my job,they invented an admin job that was basically pointless. with no desk, phone the essentials for an admin job but i had to do it because of my maternity leave.
i dont want to do my made up job. my contract is for the job i should've been doing all along. they sent me a letter offering me the made up job and said id receive a contract. iv not got any contract which im glad as i still have my contract,signed, for my original job.
so now i wonder what i should do?