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Problems with Satellite TV in Spain

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Drisgirl | 18:57 Tue 02nd Sep 2008 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
Where can I post this -cant find a category which covers TV abroad.

Thats the Q.

Ta !!!


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dependswhat prob is
if it regards sky
technically youre not aklllowed sky abroad as you need to be uk based .

D T H ?�
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Ive been getting EMails saying that BBC and Sky wont now boadcat in Spain bu even altho there a re links to the Costa Blanca News its double dutch to me.

We pay for a Sky package out there and I dont know whats going on and it would appear that no-one else knows either.

Has this just happened in the past few weeks?

Do you still get your channels?

Going out on Saturday so will no doubt find out but if you can ask around then I would be grateful.

Seems you need a different dish -im totally confused now.
sky has never been legal there
its been bounced via another satellite to areas of spain same here in tenerife .
its possible the company douing the forwarding has been approached by sky

anyone here usually still pays for sky at a uk addresss or buys an upfront card from a companty here , dunno how they swing it .
you will neeed to get there and check with your supplier face to face is easier.
ask in the local bar how they get sky its always sorted there .
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Cheers for that -probably best sorted once we get there.

It does appear to be one supplier whose offices were raided and its not our supplier.Good excuse for first stop being Tomases bar I guess:)

basically its being stolen from the airwaves and rerouted to folk who buy a receiver from these companies

a breach of copyright.

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