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Thunder and hailstones

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daffy654 | 16:45 Tue 02nd Sep 2008 | ChatterBank
25 Answers
We just had a thunderstorm with a really intense shower of hailstones.I love thunderstorms :-)


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I would have sent it your way if I could bigmamma,I know you love storms too :-) How are you btw? I've not spoken to you for ages,i've been avoiding AB for a bit because of the nastiness that was going on all the time.
Hi Daffy,

I also live in Blackpool, I had just finished work and I was driving home when it poored down, I love this weather when I am indoors! Also, do u like our new look shopping centre? The Debenhams isnt as big as the others, but I think its a great improvement, not like being in Blackpool at all! Not sure about the carpark though, its always gridlocked when I go!!!
Nice to see you too daffy hun , I have missed you on here , mainly on the morning thread and in B&S . I am now hoping it will storm here as it's just started to pour with rain . I'll keep listening and looking and will let you know if it's a storm ....or just the usual rain of this area. xxxxxx
I hope it doesn't storm hear i,v just lit a BBQ
Awww dustypuss , let's hope it doesn't drift over your way then . There wasn't a peep here , just rain , and that's just stopped :-(

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