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Jillius | 09:45 Wed 03rd Sep 2008 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
What a lovely morning. The weather is autumnal and I love it !
Am I the only one who hates hot weather ? As soon as summer comes I get fed up, tired and feel ill all the time, but today I feel rejuvenated and full of beans.


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my bloke hates the sun or that could just be his excuse to not have to come shopping with me
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Ha ha ! Could be !
I'm the opposite, I get moany about the cold!!

I just love hot weather and we don't get enough!!!

I am the type to have the central heating on at full blast and wear 5 jumpers around the house, go to bed in thick pj's and bed socks!!!

Let's hope next summer is a scorcher. :-)
I only like autumn winter because you get to lay in at a weekend all snug and cosy, whereas summer is too hot and it gets light way too early
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I quite like the Autumn. Going for walks in the woods and seeing all the different colours on the trees, and kicking the leaves about while wearing your wellies. hunting for conkers, then going back home to a warm fire, baked potato and a glass of cider.
Thats what we do here anyway.
I hate finding things to wear, love summer for clothes, in winter I just look short and fat
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NoKNo, the danger comes when you can't get back down from the tree!!
can I come back to yours sally. I'd go out get frozen and come back to a freezing cold flat with storage heaters :-(
OK, that's 2 baked potatoes and 2 pints of cider and another log on the fire.....anybody else?
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aww thank you. xx
Everyone can have their own baked potato, with a choice of filling and a hot-dog. Plenty of Cider Nokno, the farmer down the lane brews his endless supply.
You have to go out into the woods and bring back your own log for the fire though.
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LOL...we are not that primitive here. It's the border of Wales, not Borneo.

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