If you are in London or wherever and you find a nice restaurant with a suitable menu displayed on the window, do you really give a monkeys knacker if it has Micheline Stars or not????
If I see a nice restaurant, with an appetising menu, I care a great deal about whether it's got some Michelin stars or not. If it's got Michelin stars, it means I can't afford it! ;-)
Nope, I find that the real recommendation is in the food... fancy stars can mean nothing or everything (after all, they are just value judgements).... I've been to 4* restaurants where I couldn't find a single thing to eat (I'm veggie and none of them were prepared to do non meat stuff) and also been to no star restaurants, run by hard working enthusiasts who have totally thrilled and excited me and given me a decent plate of (veggie) food... I always go on personal recommendation !