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Sarah Plain

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BillySugger | 21:20 Thu 04th Sep 2008 | News
6 Answers
I remember hearing when she was first nominated that she was a supporter of the teaching of Creationism in schools & it's discussed here ry/8347904p-8243554c.html . However I've not heard any reference to it since .
Am I the only one to be worried ?


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To a certain extent one person will not influence law making in an entire government so whatever her beliefs she would still have to act within her role should she get the VP. Similarly on her pro-life stance.

There's an obsession with the woman at the moment. I was in New York when they were speculating who it would be and she ranked as a definite outsider until they managed to rule others out by statement or location.

Once it was announced the US media just went crazy digging up as much information as they could on her and her family!
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My worry is that she is a new saying goes 'only a heartbeat away from the Presidency' .
I think what scares me more though is the thought that millions of people don't seem worried that she's 'only a heartbeat away from the Presidency '
I'm more worried about how close Obama and his lack of experience is to the Whitehouse.

Sure he won't be on his own and it's more of a front facing job than a one person decision making one but he doesn't inspire confidence in me at all.
I thought all American politicians believed in God and that includes President Bush and his sidekick Tony Blair?
Rov1200 you are correct. While not in the rules a belief in God is a requirement to be nominated. A bit of an insult to atheists.

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