Is coffee bad for you or is it a myth? in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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Is coffee bad for you or is it a myth?

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johnny37 | 15:01 Sun 07th Sep 2008 | Body & Soul
11 Answers
My wife tells that I am dehydrated and this is making me tired. I have never believed this. If you drink a mug of coffee you are not going to pee away 110% of it are you? Even drinking it at night it does not stop me sleeping. Why doesnt the government have a campaign to stop it if the health of the nation is at stake? I hate drinking plain water.
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It is not good for you. It is a stimulant- caffeine, so even though you think you may be sleeping okay, you will sleep far better without it! Try and come off coffee and if you get headaches you will see that actually it was having an effect on your body. Most people suffer when weaning themselves off coffee! Why not switch to decaff as a compromise?
Have you ever thought that this place would be a lot better without the likes of you.

Now chill and go take a pill ot two or three or dozens.
^^^^ is not Whiffey (even without an 'e').... look at the third letter... it's an 'L' not an 'I' (in lower case)...

^^^^ must be a very sad individual, needing to pretend to be another user.
Coffee will not make you dehydrated.

http://www.divinecaroline.com/article/22178/46 361

If it were so, a lot of children would have kidney failure from the amount of coke they drink.

Coffee is a mild diuretic, as is tea, and can make you urinate more, but that does not dehydrate you.
Having said that, if I drink a lot of water, I urinate more. :)

http://www.bikeradar.com/road/fitness/article/ nutrition-caffeine-and-hydration-16726

"Caffeine has long been recognised as a mild diuretic, however, current science does not support the idea that the consumption of caffeine containing beverages promotes dehydration. In fact, it is now increasingly being acknowledged that caffeine containing beverages, consumed in moderation, can be an important source of fluid in the diet."

http://www.cosic.org/coffee-and-health/kidney- function

These are the symptoms of dehydration:

# dry mouth (xerostomia),
# chapped or dry lips,
# dry eyes,
# dry, loose skin with a lack of elasticity,
# sunken features, particularly the eyes (enophthalmos),
# clammy hands and feet,
# headaches,
# light-headedness,
# dizziness,
# tiredness,
# confusion and irritability,
# loss of appetite,
# burning sensation in your stomach,
# feeling of an 'empty stomach' or abdominal pain,
# low urine output, and
# concentrated, dark urine with a strong odour

Why does your wife say you are dehydrated?

i only drink coffee

as i hate tea

and it hasnt done me any harm xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
well done ethel xxxxxxxxx
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My friends call their baby Coffee, as he keeps them awake all night long!
There are coffee substitutes now from Holland and Barrat usual chicory and fig based which are very nice. I didn't drink coffee for months after heavy consumption and didn't notice anything different. I'm back on coffee now and drink a pot (not a cup) of black coffee in the morning and a pot late afternoon. And also take caffeine tablets ;-) and don't have trouble sleeping. My only concern is it stains teeth so I have to pay to have them bleeched. I also drink a lot of herbal tea, my favourite at the mo is Roibus.
Too much of anything is bad for you. Most things in moderation won't do you any harm.

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Is coffee bad for you or is it a myth?

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