on the wireless..... 1 who owned Portia ? 2 what became of ......any questions........ in 1942?
Who wrote the poem which this line came from... 1 towards the ridged and wrinkled waste of girding sand... 2 the rustling sea was a green world of leaves..
In which musical.... 1 is Nick released from prison
Last year... 1 who finished by putting his children on school transport..
Famous Last words.... 1 The old guard dies, but does not yield.... 2 Where is Mahdi... 3 what is the scaffold? A short cut to heaven... 4 I die in peace with all the people. God save the queen....
from which film 1 A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do....
who was the following said about 1 His life was a fifty year trespass against good taste...
I know it seems a lot..... but it's last chance....any help truly welcome... many thanks MMx