any of you are before 8am I would just like to take the oppotunity, incase one of the know it alls at that super collider makes the mother of all screw-ups, it has been a privilage and an honor to have known you and I'll see you where ever it is they might end up blowing us all to. Love u all loads.
Tiger, if the expearment do go wrongly and create great havoc amongst the general populace with general running in circles, screaming, and shouting could you please phone me at "911-get-help'? If you do, I will have time to position my tin-helmet on me head and take refuse in the nearest dumpster.
G'night, Tiger and Ice: I am retiring to me bunker right now, and shall keep one ear-ole open for the mournful sounds of the klaxon serenading the end of the World.