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-gem- | 21:19 Tue 09th Sep 2008 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Ok what dragon hates what dragon, or do they all hate each other?


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Duncan Bannantyne hates them all LOL
All of them hate all of them. They are all revolting people with no friends, who'd like to spend time with one or all of them? None of them!
I need �180,000 right now please Peter.
I have a device here that neutralises anyone who says 'And for that reason I'm out'!!!
I like James Khan tbh, I think gives people a chance. I do like Duncan B too, hes brusque but knows what he is talking about.
*Caan* (not Khan, sorry)
They all talk sh*t and down to people, why do they condemn a tryer? I would take on something that turned nasty people into nice people and test it out on them.. Revolting people.
I love Peter Jones....he knows what he's talking about. I'd love to patent an idea I have and get them to back it, it could make me mega rich :o))...

sorry -gem- forgot to answer your question....I secretly think they all dislike each other, too much competition. Theo is the worst IMO.
Question Author
They need more dancing in it.
And if anyone can cancan, James Caan can.
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I have an idea with a patent.
What happened to your last business.
I liquidated it.
You were made insolvent?
You were made insolvent?
Yes. I didn't do the tax payment properly because I'm not very good with things like that.
I don't want to invest my money in someone who has problems with the basics of running a business.
Tell me about you
I had a stroke and lost my memory.

That fairly shut them up.
i read somewhere that peter jones and duncan bannatyne dont get along.

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