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WHAT sexual

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legend_mark5 | 22:24 Wed 10th Sep 2008 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
What sexual activity will you go to jail for ?

Mine is snorting viagra.

But i dont think it will standup in court

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dont you live by a school??????
You will go to jail for...

Wearing your pants at groin level with no underwear...
It said "Sunbathing naked without sunscreen"

Now that's a bit spooky.
Question Author
lol snagged thats you innit?

and jayne i cant just picture that now lol
Performing a strip tease on the street

How boring, I wanted to go to jail for something much more interesting!
Setting your underwear on fire
making sweet love to a religious symbol..........

oo er............The Exorcist, anyone !?!
mine is snorting viagra too

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WHAT sexual

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