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Isn't it nice and quiet tonight.

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dabees | 00:11 Thu 11th Sep 2008 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
It's nice to see now and again.


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Its been fun.Few god threads .Seems a few folk are on hols , and a few less pseudonyms too.

Btw dabs how much do you reckon ab would cost to buy ?
cash like ?
Question Author
I wouldn't give you a quid for it, but that's just me.
Seriously i thought you said it had been bought recently.
Any idea how much for?
Im sure it makes money thru advertising
why do ya wanna rocka tha boat.
jeez were is the whifster LOL
Question Author
It may make money Leg, but would you buy it? More hassle than it's worth.
babybow . . . it's only a rumour, but La Whif has left!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

no other web sites can compete with this one so methinks its worth the investment.
do ya think donald trump has brought it LOL
dabs if i did buy it i wouldnt say.

but i wondered is theer a way to find out ?

a search ?
This might give you a tickle?

Bad News

Three Aussie men are working on a high rise building project - Steve, Bruce and Bluey.

Steve falls off the scaffold and dies instantly.
As the ambulance takes the body away, Bruce says, "someone should tell his wife."
Bluey says, "OK, I'm pretty good at that sensitive stuff; I'll do it."

Two hours later he returns carrying a carton of Fosters.
Bruce asks, "Where did you get that?
"Bluey replies that Steve's wife gave it to him.
"That's unbelievable", says Bruce. "You told the lady that her husband was dead
and she gave you beer?"

"Well not exactly," says Bluey. "When she answered the door,
I said to her, "You must be Steve's widow."
She said, "No, I'm not a widow."

I said, "I'll bet you a case of beer you are!"
dabby why is it worth more hassle than it worth.. if you get the mods on here things would calmer dont ya think
good un
Question Author
Try googling "Who Is"

It will give you many avenues to research Leg.
LOL at Ron.
Question Author
For once, i agree with you Babybow, but you and i know that won't happen under the current regime.
Baby if there were mods who werent users
i think it would be better
frankly i get a bit fedup with folk sayin i have all these usernames

i spoke to someone fron ab who told me i had 21 names , but they were all legend derivatives and they know i dont have any that arent.

since then 4 have gone tho lol

mods would be good , but would neeed to be impartial

thats the hardest part

friends and partners always get leeway that others dont
-- answer removed --
I might buy for only $5.99

a abrgain eh ???

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Isn't it nice and quiet tonight.

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