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If the world was to end

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funnygirl | 14:24 Thu 11th Sep 2008 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
How do you imagine it happening??

I think we will all be wiped out by disease and die a painful death.


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Some unelected Civil Servant will press a big red button clearly labelled 'DO NOT PRESS'................but, the government of the day will tell the survivors, that lessons have been learned and find ways to tax the remaining citizens to the grave.............
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Well I certainly don't believe all this nonsense about black holes!!!
Hahahaha - i came on here for some "Light relief" from my boring job and saw this - wow i'm cheered up! lol!

I think it would be instant....a black hole that swallowed the whole world up - who knows we may be spat out on a another side - knowing our luck a world that just mirrors this one,....!
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Famine..........or we'll all drown in massive floods.
has every body forget about total Nuclear destruction !!!!!!!!!!!!
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Yeah, Korea will nuke us and we will all shrivel up and die!!!
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Do you mean life as we know it? (captain) or the worlds end? If the latter then surely that would be when the sun engulfs the Earth (due to it's expansion) along with the other inner planets.
oh funny, how come so persimist (how to spell it?)
you must watch 28days later films too much....
i guess will be end like film WALL E, human are all immigrant to another planet lol
Hey nono, do ya know the joke about being shot into space?
I hear that they are thinking of banning Facebook, if they banned AnswerBank, that really would be the end of the word. Some of the cleverest and funniest people in the world are here on AB!

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If the world was to end

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