Morning Jenna , 4get , and dustypuss , I didn't know you lived on the streets Jenna ..:-/ lol .....Did you sleep well 4get love ? Oh good luck with that dustypuss !
Didn�t sleep til 2, I had a big bust up with my bro, and then was too upset to see my friend about her baby, she is going to have another blood tests Friday.
Good morning bigmamma and every one . I have persistant drizzle here right now . A day for getting on with things in the hope the weather improves for the weekend . Have good days you all .
Awww 4get sweetie , you poor lass , you must feel awful .
Will you and your bro make up today or is that not likely yet hun . No wonder you didn't sleep ((( hug ))) .
Let us know how your friends blood test goes if you can :-)
Morning daffy , and flump :-)
no I dont think he does it upsets me because we are close. But he has a temper and just cant let go of things, he can snap and we have to walk on eggshells around him, yet if we say something and he takes it wrong way you can be sure he'll start the shouting the name calling etc and lastnight he picked up a chair to hit me with. In c ouple of days he'll just turn up or ask for a favout as if nothing happened but how many times can I keep forgiving him. Thing is he goes back to america next week and he's ruined everything between us.
That must have been both upsetting and scary honey , as you say , you are close , I remember that from when he was going away . It's a shame he can't hold his temper , and his loved ones seem to be getting the brunt of it . I feel how upset you must be as I have a brother and we haven't had any bad words , not since we were kids that is .
Chin up sweetie . As you say , how many times will you forgive him doubt you will again , he's your brother .
I would be more uoset if the things he said were true but he said one really nasty thing about my mum hating me when I was younger. Thats the thing though we all did things to mum and fell out with her when we were younger but now we are close, he's the only one still being a git.
Morning bigmamma !
Not raining here. Just had my hair cut (one of my Yoga students comes round and cuts it for me). My son just said to me;
'When is xxxx coming round to cut your hair'?
So obviously even though she's cut off an inch and a half it doesn't look any different !! Hey ho! Must get on with chores instead of coming on here as it's my day off !
Hope you are keeping well xxx
Hello yogasun , Oh-No-NoKnow , and Lakitu , :-)
Kids eh yogasun !
Did you really beat it , wow Lakitu , and that took some doing to get the first highest . Well done :-D