I am still struggling with this. Can anyone help please? 8d Celestial utterance (6,7) - i - - - - / - n - - - s - 12ac 19 probably is (6) - - e - i - The answer to 19 is Neil 22ac A woman of destiny (8) 3rd letter is c Many thanks.
Thank you both for your efforts. They are certainly better than anything I could come up with. However, if divine is right, and it certainly sounds good, then 12ac will begin with 'i' (I) so it won't be Gaelic. If English is right then 22ac would begin with 'l' (L) so that puts out Victoria. I think I will have to give up on this one.
I'm sure 22ac lachesis is correct. I've got a copy of the puzzle, and I'm equally sure that 12ac is gaelic, because it fits with an anagram at 14d. Which would mean, I think, that 8d is pidgin english
I have, I think. For 17ac I went for bias, (as in the part of a bowl weighted to make it curve one way), and for 25dn I thought arms, an anagram of Mars, the God of War
Thanks again. I should have got Mars/Arms. Tomorrow I will be given the answers. Do you also have the answers? If not would you like me to confirm them?