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right, I'm going for it ...

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joggerjayne | 05:17 Tue 16th Sep 2008 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
The beach beckons.

I've got all my running stuff on, so I feel a bit daft sitting here gazing at the lappy.

Catch you later.

Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ....................

J x x x


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bye watch u dont get joggers nipple
jj where are you?
Question Author
I'm here now flump (muffle muffle)
Jayne flump2 is Gravy......
Question Author
Thanks Anteater, but ... I don't know who "Gravy" is.

Isn't he the one who says insulting and stupid things to other cb'ers?

somebody will enlighten us , I think.....
Question Author
Oh, a mean person ?

From what I have read....yes.
All I'm saying is ...beware. that's all.
I don't know too much about this person myself, only by reading others posts.
Question Author
Okay, thank u.

Can we all come too, JJ? That sounds way more fun than work, unless you can think of more interesting forms of exercise?
the beach? Why, its almost October. ;) karen.
Jayne goes jogging on the beach and clifftops of Brighton some mornings Karen.

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right, I'm going for it ...

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