Eye 374 in The AnswerBank: Quizzes & Puzzles
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Eye 374

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bamberger | 19:53 Wed 17th Sep 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
2 Answers
Last two but can't understand how two others work.
6a End of the socially superior junket for this representative (4-2) ???o-up
7d Girl gobbling large hard part of member ??n?. First letter is 2nd letter of 6a

19a Scenting an opening , yes-man style? is "brown nose" . Yes man style is brown nose but how does scenting an opening fit? I've played about with nose and scenting or a nose being an orifice =opening but can't get it
26a Openly gay and keen to produce public disapproval is "outcry" -how does keen =cry?

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6a EURO-MP (End of the = E; socially superior = U; junket = ROMP)

7d ULNA (L in UNA)

19a Scenting an opening - think what would make a nose brown!

26a Another sense of 'keen' is a lamentation or wailing - cry
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Many thanks -ah yes I see what you mean about 19a !

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