Each answer is the name of a fruit. No number of letters given. 1 Sounds as if the garden tools went south (I have no ideas) 2 A coarse file (I thought this could be rasp) 3 Grim visaged (I wondered about soursop) 4Backward look at the crazy verse (I have no ideas)
Thanks to bathsheba too for LIME. I can see the crazy verse bit from Limerick, don't get the backward look, though. Having said that, it's a lot better thananything I have come up with.
Thanks Prof 53. I think UGLI is better than SOURSOP.
Thanks also to Bathsheba. I had never heard of a cowberry and I'm afraid the jabberwocky reference has me stumped too. Can you explain it to me , please, or direct me to a website .
Thanks again.
Sorry, lady a, i just thought of Jabberwocky from the crazy verse reference, messed about with it, and came up with cowberry! Looks a bit far-fetched now, but there is such a fruit! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lingonberry