This is the best yet. Yesterday when i was shutting shop i saw a small bag next to the wall outside my shop. Turns out one of my customers was sitting there with his missus having a smoke after theyd been in the shop.And she had sat the bag down.,This was around 3.30 in the afternoon.Well as i was closing at 8 o'clock i saw it and took it into the shop. He came in today and was quite worried looking , asked if id seen a camcorder. What id found was a cannon DVD camcorder that takes the DVDs. a dc1000 i think it was.Well when i gave him it back you outta have seen his face . He was well happy and he slipped me a few quid for a drink.Which i happily accepted. Hes from london and works on the tube.He says if it was left there it'd have been long gone.
So i felt kinda good and got me and the pastys a few drinks tonight before they left.