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danglee | 22:48 Sun 21st Sep 2008 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Blackhawk down. One of the best military films in years. Shows the trouble faced by trained battle troops in an urban situation , very sinilar to iraq in baghdad etc id imagine. Sometimes a kid with an rpg can take out a helicopter or a tank.The film i found very good. Some may disagree.It also shows the difficulties trying to help people in a foreign country ruled by warlords . Never easy , and often impossible


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Yea but in every movie like this there is always a sausage chief
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Seriously knobs.Sad how some of the guys got stranded there.
I i remember rightly 2 guys from the delta force stayed to fight offf the rebels with no chance of escape.Ithink one of them survived .And was later released.
Yes,I agree with your info about Black Hawk Down.
I've seen this film as well.I might watch a bit of it later.
I think it's quite a powerful good film.
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Watchin now.2nd blackhawkdown.The 2 delta force volunteered to drop on ropes to help the crew.Gripping stuff.Terrifying too.
Howdy Imo. How did ya holiday go?

BTW, Icey asked me to tell you she hopes you had a great one, with weather to match. (She's gone on a hol for a few days).
Hi there Mrs C?
Yes,I wondered where Icey had got to?
I logged on to AB last night and she wasn't anywhere to be found.Do you know where she has gone for her hols?
Ooh yes,I enjoyed myself immensely up in Blackpool!!
Quite a long journey by coach.Started off from the hotel at about 9.40am and didn't get home until 7.50pm.
There was so much traffic on the road that we got stuck in traffic jams.Plus the coach driver had to drop off passengers back to their places where they caught the coach before.
The weather on the first day was a bit damp and drizzly,but the rest of the week was pretty good.The illuminations were superb.Didn't go up the Tower,as it was quite expensive.It was �16.95 for one adult!!!
Imo - Icey's gone to Amsterdam for a romantic break with her hubby. He organised it as a surprise for her.

Glad ya enjoyed Blackpool. I was thinking about ya 'cos the weather where I live was pretty awful - glad yours was better.

Know what ya mean about coach trips - they do yer head in, stopping all the time! And what a rip off - �16.95 to go up the Tower? Pfffttt!! Was the hotel good? And good nose-bag too?
Nose-bag!!!! What's that then??

Anyway,the hotel we stayed at was pretty big! It put all the other hotels nearby to shame.
Actually, I'll rephrase that! The hotel was not big,it was immense.No wonder it was called 'The Imperial'.
My room was on the second floor,but I didn't get a view of the sea.My view was a crummy side view of part of the backyard and the hotel.Ppffft!!
Oh well,I suppose you can't have everything.The evening meals we had were superb.Oooh,they made great sauces,and the breakfasts you could have absolutely anything, from a full english breakfast to croissants,pumpernickel bread,cheeses,hams,plenty of fruit,cereal,etc.etc.
One evening we had a meal by the window,and we were watching the sun go down on the horizon.Ooh,it was a lovely sunset.I wish you were here,you would have loved the orangey sunset.....^_^
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Theres no peace without victory ............

It sounds smashing Imo.

I've been to Blackpool (many years ago). Don't think I'd have the energy for it now!

The food sounds lovely (that's what nose-bag is - food).

Would love to have seen the sunset - sounds beautiful. x

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