do any of you brainy people have the answers to 33 down:- friendly American, ?IK?B?E please, I can get Likable but don't know what this has to do with Americans. I think the letters are correct. Also 85 down, Scottish Region:- ?A?S??E Many Thanks in advance
I mentioned before about not understanding the
answer likable in the hope someone would explain
to up to now NO ONE has, I wish someone could
explain it to me.
Perhaps the setter thinks the usual English spelling is likeable, and the version without an e is an American variant. My Chambers dictionary gives both, with likable as the lead spelling and no mention of it being an American variant.
I surmised that maybe IKE as in (L-IK- abl- E) is short for Eisenower, I think that is how you spell his name, and this was perhaps where they got it, but it still doesn't make any sense