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How many trees make a wood?

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MsEVP | 17:47 Wed 24th Sep 2008 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
Today`s statement that 12% of Britain is woodland brings up an interesting thought - how many trees constitute a wood?


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if you can't see the woods through the trees it's a wood lol
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Surely woodland is by definition land with woods on it .There is probably no specific number of trees to constitute a wood.But then a wooded area doesnt need a great deal of trees to be called a wooded area or even a smalll woodland.Perhaps this isnt the best section and maybe home and garden or how it works might provide better answers ?

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No, Leg, I`m quite happy with the answers that came on here, thanks all.
How many whiffys make a plank.

Answers on a postcard please.

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How many trees make a wood?

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