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wow lets hope its all in fun on here

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johnny.5 | 11:38 Fri 26th Sep 2008 | ChatterBank
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Wow johnny, that's scary. He could very well have been a member on here, poor guy.
Exactly why death threats made on any forum should lead to an automatic lifetime banning.-Even threats of violence to other members.This shows the extremes some nutters would go to if they are unstable enough.

Hi johnny , tragicx innit , over nintendo games ffs.
They are nutters. I had someone on here find out details about me. Even my ex boyfriends name!!!!
How can anyone find out details about you on here?
you must have given them out yourself, and mentioned your bf name in conversation.

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I never knew that Henry...that cant be legal surely...
simple answer would be not to give too many personal details about yourself on any site.

Only one person on here knows what I look like, and I know for certain that it is in confidence.

You should also have a different name on here, then no-one would know who you are.
The blame as far as I am concerned is the person themselves.
Quite whyy anyone would give out their real details on this forum or any other or facebook, myspace, bebo whatever really does beggar belief. Has no-one any common sense any more?
thats a bit harsh.....we all do what we can to protect ourselfs..

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wow lets hope its all in fun on here

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