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How can I make some friends?

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karmgirl | 22:36 Fri 26th Sep 2008 | ChatterBank
28 Answers
I've looked at evening classes and even applied for some but didn't even hear back from college.

I've thought about part time Sat job in supermarket or fashion store,

I need to meet people who are my age (21)

Any other ideas welcome


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Am def gonna try the clothes shop route and the course route again.

MrBen5 - yes I come on here occasionally - not very often anymore cus computer at work got loads of viruses so now I just come on every now and again at home in the evenings. (shouldn't have been on here at work in the first place I know!)

Will try facebook I guess - there are lots of old friends on there but it has been like 8 years since I saw them
You sound a bit "beaten" even before you've tried...You have to get into the right frame of mind! Everyone you meet is a potential friend, be they 50 or 15. If you get on great with someone who is a lot older than you, so what? that person may become a great friend, introduce you to more people of all ages, and you might make more friends this way. Don't dismiss people because they seem too old for you, you never know what's around the corner babe!
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Yes I am slightly beaten but its not really before I've tried. It's quite annoying putting effort into filling out a form for college and then not getting a response and trying to get hold of people at the volunteer place but the person you need never there. But I'm not dwelling on that. I'm jsut saying its not as easy as go to college, get a job, etc.

I don't dismiss people because of their age either - not at all - if I did I wouldn't be on here talking to all you lot - cus theres lots of different ages on here.

I know I sound like I'm being defeatist and sort of putting all your ideas down, but I don't mean it to come across like that, I'm jsut being honest that I have tried a lot of these suggestions.

Thanks everyone :-)
Keep at it, babe! It's very easy to feel defeated by "institutions", like that college of yours, but you have to keep in mind that they are just people like you and me, and it's hard for them to keep up with the workload sometimes! So, if you just call up, and ask about your application, be polite and upbeat, you WILL get somewhere. It's easy to give up, I know! lol Chin up pet, you will get friends and have fun! I know that, even if I have an ok social life, I'd still swap with you and be 21! lol
home economics Karm

Have you mastered scrambled egg yet???

get on a course and when you can cook i'll fetch the candles and wine ! ;0)
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When I was your age I went to a social group called 18plus. (ages ago!)

When I google it, this comes up

so it sounds like they just call themselves Plus now.

If there is a group near you, it is well worth a try.
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