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Paul Newman RIP

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Drisgirl | 17:05 Sat 27th Sep 2008 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
I actually got a shock -some people seem invincable.

Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid -fave of mine.

not a Q -so dont start being pedantic.


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Knobby -I so havent been -cheeky -I have had a fractious day :) Arsenal are sh!te BTW -i'll watch on Sky Sports lol

Man how can i get them mixed up -see even when i was typing it I was thinking -but didnt he have a young Hispanic type wife which doesnt equate with Paul Newman -still posted it though -well you know me !!!
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aw bless smudge -im frightened to put the news on as ive bubbled all day about my sons traumas which pale into nothing compared with the loss of a great man-especially to his family x
Hi Neti - only popped in for a few min's, as have daughter & girls staying with us at the mo' - long story. Thank you for asking after us. Take care of you & yours. -xx-
Sorry to hear you have problems with your son Dris. Hope it's nothing too serious. We've had our fair share with our eldest daughter, so hoping for a brighter future..... -x-
...he really was something else...Clint Eastwood maybe...
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Soren -thought you were my friend -we all have faux pas -I even get mixed up with users on here sometimes :)
Oh God I just read this !!! I have been at work all day and missed the news, blimey makes you feel old eh when your heros start to go!!! I went to the pics to watch Butch cassidy 3 times in the first week of release. He had lots of kids didnlt he with Joanne Woodward, what a shame, the last thing I saw him in was Road to perdition I think. It is sad, he was an icon really.
is Paul Newman the one that ate all the eggs in the film Cool Hand Luke?
Sure was Maizy ! He also starred in Butch Cassidy & The Sundance Kid (with Robert Redford) and both of them were in The Sting.... He also got his Oscar in The Colour of Money... flipping brilliant films, all of them...
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Just back -well on this planet lol

His daughter has just been speaking about her dad on the news and they obviously were a very close family -yet she was so positive -think it helps a wee bit when you have the 'luxury' (term used loosely) of spending the last months with a very loved family man.

Im not a film buff (obviously) but I loved all his work -all the films mentioned I watched and thoroughly enjoyed.

Its very sad

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Paul Newman RIP

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