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building on dover beach

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afcjan | 10:48 Sun 28th Sep 2008 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
good morning everyone, hope you all have a lovely day.

does anyone know what that new building being built on Dover Beach is going to be. we were there yesterday but couldnt find anything to tell us what it was.

its near the hoverport at the end of the beach.

please put me out of my misery. thank you xx


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is it a sandcastle ?
You took the words right out of my mouth j 5
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smart -a...e

its a wood and concrete building at the western end of the beach.

intelligent replies only please.....
that rules me out then!
I could have a word with big Vern though on the other matter,
Please let me know!
Its a sandcastle made out of wood and concrete then
Been checking out dover councils web site, with no results to what you're looking for, though there is talk of a cable car from west beach to the castle and plans for a memorial next year for the first flight across the channel.
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thank you for your help madabout cats. about the only sensible answer here. the others have had too much sunshine i think :-)

please ask big Vern then if you think it will help wonk.

thanx for all your interest tho......

So you want me to arrange for big Vern to put you out your misery then?

send me an e-mail and we will sort out the fee and when and where it will happen!
My pleasure afcjan, your query has got me interested too, maybe when i'm in dover next year for the ferry the mystery will be solved, quite like the idea of a cable car to the castle.
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in your dreams wonk :-(

in other words dont bother ;-)
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hi madabout cats

if i should find out next time im down there I will let you know. Dover Castle is brill to explore and a cable car to it sounds really cool.

chat to you soon x
Yes please, if you find out let me know, one day we will spare the time to look round the castle, id like to see the tunnels.
afcjan big Vern is a hit-man not a fricken gigolo!
Question Author
the tunnels are brilliant, we have been round them a couple of times and there is always something different to check out, would very much recommend it madaboutcats.

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