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Why ?

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FastBarry | 16:34 Thu 03rd Mar 2005 | People & Places
14 Answers

Why are AB'ers more frequently using bold type.

Don't they realise they are shouting which is very rude.

Ssshhh, your'e questions won't get answered any quicker and you're giving me a headache.



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We understand that capitals means shouting and use bold type to emphasise things and names, etc.

We don't shout 'cos we are very polite in general.

Yes Barry, capitals are universally accepted as being SHOUTING and bold is meant to Highlight
  • Because it is there
Bold is not shouting.  CAPITALS are shouting.

CAPITALS indicate shouting - Bold is for emphasising.

Crossed posts bernardo.
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OK thanks, but why then do some people feel the need to emphasise the whole of their question.

I have recently noticed a few whole questions being typed in bold too. Perhaps it's because they are new to the site & unaware of how AB prefer it? Give them time!

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O.K. times up !
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I'm in an impatient mood this week.

First of all - Welcome!

Now,  I don't know how long you've been around this site but you do need to calm down considerably and not let unimportant things wind you up - otherwise you will end up a gibbering idiot within a very short time.

The secret to a happy stay is - Answer in the clearest and kindest way possible......either ignore the rest or click the Report button to anthing offensive. Don't be tempted to partake in slanging matches as this help no-one. Just relax and enjoy this great site.

Cetti is absolutely right about not retaliating. It can be very difficult when you're at the receiving end, but it does get easier, especially when you know you are not on your own. -x- 
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Thanks smudge, point taken. Although fairly new to AB, I am enjoying it immensely, but it's a bit like a new pair of shoes that are pinching a bit at the moment.

Meanwhile, thanks all for your comments and have a good weekend. I'm back on Monday.

That's okay FB - have a nice week-end -x-

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