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squeak squeak pop

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joggerjayne | 19:25 Mon 29th Sep 2008 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
I've been over in the Technology/Computing section today, so I need a drink.



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a culture shock, huh?

okay, crack one open :o)
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crack one what ????????

Oh, yes ... sorry.

They're all very clever over there sara. But very helpful, I found.
JJ -hi -I would love to join you but have you ever tried to get a rubber cork out -my screw wont even entertain it.Im demented and even though I wasnt bothered before I now am desperate for the bleeding stuff lol

What would you do -short of taking the neck off the bottle???
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Aah, Dris ... not the notorious "supercork" ??

Yep. Smash it !!


Your were made welcome and I even put the kettle on for you!!

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squeak squeak pop

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