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I fell in love with this guys face....

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pastafreak | 22:23 Mon 29th Sep 2008 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
When I saw it in the Sunday papers......took my breath away for some strange reason..... h.htm

But when I looked at his website....what a load of b******t!!!!

The affair is isn't everything-lol


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pasta girlie, you gotta find an optician!
he looks like Jeebus
pasta you need glasses lol!!!
Question Author
Well girls..maybe he would look better to you without the facial hair???..mmmm??

Anyway....I wasn't asking opinions.....only an observation that looks (which are subjective) don't indicate ......mmm...character or personality.
he was in the justify my love video, he was madonnas boyfriend
Is thast not the guy that was on Loose Women this av vo ? without the face hair he is quite attractive in a Roman kinda way lol *going by the nose, no offence*

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I fell in love with this guys face....

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