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Last night's Corrie - standing ovation?

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Bbbananas | 08:45 Tue 30th Sep 2008 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
Supose I should have posted this in the TV topic - but people seem more broadminded on this one.

Did anyone other than me notice in last night's Coronation Street - the huge erection that the character Tom had when sat next to Carla on the sofa? No kidding - she was squirming all over him being flirty gertie, & it was obvious for all to see. And in jeans too - his 'pleased to see you' jeans no doubt.

I don't normally look at men's groins when watching soaps - honestly, but this was pretty unmissable. Well, I thought it was....


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damn i didn't watch corra last night!
well I watched it, but can't say I noticed a tent pole.
I will have to look at the repeats.....

I Terry Wogans bulge on ......have i got news for you
do you want me to send the link?
Question Author
Terry Wogan? Mmmmmm... not quite the same, bless him!

Not as though I in any way shape or form fancy the actor who plays Liam's business pal - but at least he's under 60. After 60 it's less likely to be an erection, more likely to be a prostate symptom.
he might get 'best newcomer' in the next soap awards
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...or best prop ?!
I saw it, and he hadn't. His jeans had just bagged from the way he was sitting.

He had a cushion very nearly on his lap - had he had something else he would have hidden it with the cushion
so you were looking then Ethel....?

if you have videoed corra and have just checked fair enough but if not that is weird ............weird i tell thee!
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aahh Ethel, don't spoil it for me! I still say it was a jolly hockeystick. ;-)
clicked on the link sleepy but i can not seem to find any video clip entittled

Tom with nudger on when sat next to Carla on the sofa!
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I clicked on the link too (how sad is that??!!) - couldn't find the erection-in-question.
Can't say I blame him - she has that effect on me through a TV screen, Lord knows what it's like being next to her, even if it is acting!
i don't think tom was actually asked to play the part with a nudger on andy ........that bit wasn't acting

(well if it was what a great actor he must be)
Yes.....i noticed as well !
Question Author
Oh thanks Christine!
That makes me feel a lot better & slightly less perverted.

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Last night's Corrie - standing ovation?

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