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Have you ever Rebelled against the System???

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puddicat | 22:40 Tue 30th Sep 2008 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Really admire people that take pennies to the council offices to pay there tax,the guy who sprayed the council buildings with silage,the people who get jailed for not paying the council tax aka pensioners, wish i had the balls to rebel!!!


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i didn't pay my poll tax
M eeither .Then spent 3 years repaying the outstanding charges .
The fkin english got off with first year yet scotland got shafted again.

Bleedin gits
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Still have to pay it back whereever you live!!!!
no but the captain has, take a look

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I mean have u really protested!!!
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brilliant doctor!!!
i spent a year on strike protesting!
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cant see that as major rebelling you were not on your own, i have striked but with people around me
this one has a happy ending

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that's right i was not on my own it was much easier doing without basic needs knowing that thousands of others were also basically scrounging a living risking life and limb to get coal to keep warm during winter!!
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A ex miner???
an ex miner yes
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remember the strikes you yorkshire nottingham or wales or scotland
Brodsworth colliery
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Lived in Garforth!!

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Have you ever Rebelled against the System???

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