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Is it true?

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Gentlelady | 22:12 Sun 28th Sep 2008 | Religion & Spirituality
8 Answers
If it`s true that we are here to help others, what are the others doing here?


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They are helping the others too.
Well........some of them are. The others are just taking all the help they can get.
Who Was it who said
"God helps those who help themselves" ?
Is your assumption that it is true that we are here to help others, then may I ask what you base your assumption on, or are you echoing the widely held views of others?
In other words, do you have your own personal religion or philosophy that woul demand that you help others, or is it instinctual?
The others are here to persuade us that "it's true!" <"?
Who says so? I'm here for:

in that order though no.5 demands to head the list by dipping into my income.
What I don't get is this - if, as some people assert, we all have a guardian angel looking out for us, then how come people die, have terrible accidents, develop cancer and so on? What are their angels doing at the time?
Well, whatever they're doing, their mind clearly isn't on the job!

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