Are the British the idiots of Europe? After seeing Jamie Oliver's programme and seeing how intellectually backwards many Brits are and taking into account the stupid things that Scots and welsh and northern Irish get up to I'm starting to think that britain isn't only the sick man of Europe hes also the village idiot of the European village.
Anyone disagree?If so state your evidence that its wrong ?
'we're stupid alright. Even Jamie Oliver has to pretend to be a cockney (he's a public shool boy posh talking ponsey) but has to dumb it down to an accent so the 'idiots' can understand what he's saying, know what I mean yeah.
Actually he does it to be more appealing. Can you imagine how popular he would be if he talked liked prince charles.. which is what he does talk like really.
Didn`t see it so can`t comment but I did watch The Secret Millionaire a few weeks ago when the English chap gave over �300k to charity in Scotland to help all the many spastics and handicapped folk who live in squalor have a better life