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I had a dream....

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4getmenot | 10:11 Wed 01st Oct 2008 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
Brilliant dream lastnight I went back to school for a reunion and they had an awards night, one girl got best hair, one got biggest boobs it was so funny. If you went to a school awards night what award would you get?


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Best ever fart in a geography lesson....
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well done
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would salla collect her award
Aw gee, thanks. That will look great on my mantlepiece. I don't know how I will explain it to my mother though - she is still of the opinion that laydeeees don't do such things, especially young laydeeeees in a girls-only high school.
The biggest boobs one has got my name on it....
-- answer removed --
i will get the next award down from that daniela

the biggest tit award!
I modeled for paid too!!
talking tits luvaley jubblies!
I was a sad flat pathetic 'A' cup at school.
But boy did they sprout once I left.... the contraceptive pill has a lot to answer for.
award for most unpleasant singing voice ever x factor will not be calling anytime soon and award for throwing the most school bags out the window from the second floor hehe

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I had a dream....

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