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smoking warnings

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gina32 | 09:09 Wed 01st Oct 2008 | ChatterBank
33 Answers
what do you think about the new warnings on cigarette packets, do you think it will make a difference to people who smoke?


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The holier than thou attitude of non smokers is unbelieveable sometimes.If we want to smoke that is our choice,just as it is your choice to not smoke.Alcohol is harmful to health,so are fatty foods etc. but I am not about to preach to you about your habits.I don't smoke anywhere near non smokers,I don't even smoke in my house so as my habit doesn't affect you I don't see what right you have to judge.
I'm not judging you, Daffy.. it's just a shame to see kids smoking. they do think they're untouchable, but then can't stop when they want to.
Would rather be in a smoke filled room (usually good ventilation) than a fart filled room (no ventilation).

Amazing how a puff kills the flu germs near me and disposes of fart smells.
It is a shame but every person has the right to do what they like to their own body. It is when I see very young children(11/12 years old) smoking that I worry.
My 11 year old son came home one day last week and asked me what a spliff was,one of his classmates was talking about having smoked one and my lad was clueless as to what he was talking about.
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daffy - why don't you smoke in your own home?

Surely that is one place where you should feel able to smoke.
terambulan - are you saying it's a choice of either farting or smoking?

Don't smokers fart?
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I did a market research a few months ago about the NHS stop smoking ads,

8 of us sat there for an hour commenting on their new ads and we got paid �40 each, not one of us said the ads would put us off smoking

I don't smoke in my own home Ethel because I have an 11 year old son who I don't want to expose to it.
I no the danger of smoking,Everyone does...But for frigs sake YES smokings bad for us but so is bloody drinking are they going to start putting horrid pictures on cans of lager and bottles of wine,We get judge for smoking but no one gets judge for drinking,I dont drink but i dont judge people that do,And i dont start fights or fall down in the street or not no what the hell im doing if i havent had a fag,Drinking is just as dangerous as smoking yet people get more benefits if there a alcholic and sympathey what do we smokers get? Its an addiction like eveything eles but we get looked down on..Im not allowed to smoke outside my work and i own the company..But yet most of my staff will go for a quick drink at lunch in a lovely warm bar while im stood on a freezing street corner having a quick puff.. Its ridiculous,So fairs bloody fair if were going to have it on our fag packets then get it on all booze produce..
Drinking in moderation can have health benefits.

Smoking even one cigarette a day has no benefit to your health whatsover.

Nobody likes a drunk or a lush.

I know very few smokers who can work a full day without needing a 'fag break' ; if a drinker needed a drink, he would rightly be called an alcoholic or alcohol dependent.

Most people who drink go days or weeks between alcoholic drinks. Most people who smoke can't go a few hours without a fag.

You are comparing normal smoking behaviour with abnormal drinking behaviour.
You can smoke outside your work, by the way - if you own it, you surely have banned smoking outside?

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