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squeak squeak portuguese

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joggerjayne | 20:01 Wed 01st Oct 2008 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
Having myself a little Portuguese number tonight.

Yummy !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is it just me, or has anyone else lost the scrollbar on the right of the page?


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I could fancy a little Portuguese number myself!

scrollbar present, though.. sounds like you may have to pop into the tech department again :o(
It's just you.
Oh, and what number is he?
detox for me :-(

my scrollbar is the only bar that i will be looking at to night
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Aww, no ... Dusty !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Some sort of health kick ?
no just had a 24hr hangover . party last night never again return the scroll bar: klik on top right centre button to half the page. Pull page out by pressing left mouse and dragging to size.
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If I was a self righteous, priggish puritan, I would say that you only had yourself to blame Dusty ...

... but I'm not. So instead, I'll say ...

... midweek party !!! Wooo Hooooo !!!!!!!!

J x

(ps Go for a run ... it might clear your head)
Question Author
teram ... thank you for thinking about my little problem xx

I've done a System Restore. This removed Internet Explorer 8 Beta ...

... and everything is now working fine.

Cheers xx

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