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Am I alone in liking.....

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Bbbananas | 10:23 Wed 01st Oct 2008 | ChatterBank
40 Answers
...the Bee Gees?

Played a greatest hits CD of their last night, for a bit of a nostalgia-sesh with my bessie mate - had a whale of a time. Tragedy, Saturday Night Fever, Alone, Massachusetts, You win Again - oh what pleasure indeed did we have.

My daughter walked in on a particularly fiery rendition of 'You should be dancing,,,yeah'. She just muttered "oh no you shouldn't". Oh we did laugh.

Tonight folks, it will be....... the Mavericks.



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If you like the Bee gees i would say your tastes are more epileptic than eclectic
anyone older than 45 is old 4get
Well i'm 40 so does that mean i'm not old yet :-) pmsl
well I'm 30 and I have the greatest hits
pmsl as anyone else spotted .............the Mavericks????

ha ha ha ha ha ha haarrrrrrrrrrrr

how many bottles of gin will you need for that????
not alone sal, i like em too, they have written some of the best songs ever.
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'Just want to dance the night away...'
And what's wrong with that?

Only a couple of gins & I'm always up on the floor for this one. Good old fashioned grooving...

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grooving see? That's what we old 46 year olds still do.. ;-)
and have a bl00dy good time doing it.
best songs ever?
enlighten me please.
apart from dance the night away I dont know any other songs they did
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(pssss : neither do I !)
i have heard that one before that ...deja
I have thier greatest hits album stored on my laptop and downloaded onto my MP4 player, like andy says (Is andy the new ed BTW?) they made some amazing songs, I remeber watching them on TOTP the very first time they appeared, New York Mining Disaster 1941 was a minor hit and I actually liked Robin when he sang massachusetts with his shoulder length hair when it was number 1!!!! That must have been about 1968 I think.
my 2.5 year old son as just asked me to put this on

i am being honest!
New York Mining Disaster 1941
very Beatlesque that song !
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Just what sort of nursery do you send the poor lad to wonk-onwonk??!!
salla i kid you not this is a list of his favuorite songs

pistols of fire .................KOL
Town called malice .....Jam
upstart .....................,,.....angelic upstart
suspect devive ..............slf
Broken stones ...............Paul weller
taper jean girl .................KOL

i do play the likes of REM simon and garf Elvis but he knows what he likes and says... crap that turn it off!
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Bless his little cotton socks.
The Jam though eh - good boy!
Well wonky, I guess i am officially (sob!) old then!

Hi Dot, no I'm not the new Ed ... not yet anyway ...
I often walk along listening to them on my ipod, depending on the song it can give you a funny walk which attracts some curious looks and even flirtatious women asking what you are listening to.

Its just your jive talkin

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