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What day of the week is it??

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pastafreak | 20:37 Wed 01st Oct 2008 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
I am off the next two days...and I seem to have lost track.

Should I be concerned????


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See that little clock down in the right hand bottom corner of your screen

Double click on it :)
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You are being practical again,chuck.....
LOL, yep thats me

Nope, no need to be concerned, I do it all the time if I'm off work... and sometimes when I am working :)
I never know what day it is unless I think really hard lol
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Hey Chuck ... you really are clever.

Hi pasty ... if I could have a couple of days off, I wouldn't give a stuff what day it was.

So the answer to your post is ... No !!!
Question Author
Thanks for the reassurance Jayne.......will get pleasantly rat-a***d then.....;-0

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What day of the week is it??

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