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Mobile 'phones.............

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jackthehat | 13:12 Mon 06th Oct 2008 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Which historical event do you think could have had an entirely different outcome had the main protagonists had a mobile 'phone to hand ?


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I suppose a hurried text or phone call to JFC saying "duck" would have been quite helpful.
JFC? I meant JFK.....
Do they do duck in KFC!
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Feeling peckish, B00.............? :o)
Guy Fawkes wouldn't have been caught in the act if one of his mates had rang to say....'they're coming to get you'

we wouldn't have to put up with all the flippin' fireworks either!!
At The Battle Of Little Big Horn if General George Armstrong Custer had managed to pick up a signal on his moby he could have rung for back up.
When Macmillan came back with his 'piece of paper', someone could have called ahead to tip off the government about what was really going on.
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If Harold had a mobile he could have got back to Hasting in time to stop William of Normandy stepping foot on British soil.
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Mobile 'phones.............

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