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Oh balls

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sir.knobby | 22:53 Fri 10th Oct 2008 | ChatterBank
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why was your bitty post deleted, do you think the Ed is on duty from home?
Are you watching Little Britain knobby ?
well Ed's being quick off the mark - that's for sure!!
Ed being quick off the mark makes him even hunkier
It still shows in the recent posts though >>>>
oh t�ts
-- answer removed --

page cant be found

y ?

but lv bitty xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

like balls too

leg better watch out

for hiss cover with sporran

if not i will lend him my grass skirt xxxx
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No it was not deleted I know exactly what happened to it but I aint telling you.
Just a little test here to see if the ed has sorted a few things on here and he has but there is still one thing that he has not quite sorted out yet but I hope he will do that soon.
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Yeas bigmamma I iz watching little britian me dear

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Oh balls

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